Thursday, September 25, 2014

Technology - A step to innovation or destruction?

What does technology actually mean? According to Cambridge American Dictionary, technology is "the method for using scientific discovery for practical purpose". In other words, technology is the use of science to serve human needs (communication, comfort, security, etc.) So is the advance of technology good? Not really.
Advanced technology is a sign for human intelligence AND human laziness. People who are born with car, computers, microwave oven, instant food, etc. tend to be lazier than people who are not. If you have a car, what is the point of walking? If you can have food instantly, what is the point of cooking for hours? "Use it or loose". People start losing their abilities due to laziness. Walking helps strengthening legs muscle. Cooking is an important skill for surviving because food is not always there. And example is the movie "Wall-E". The chatting language also affects human writing skills by shortening words and sentences. As technology evolves, humans degrade.

Advanced technology creates more dangerous problem. Nuclear war is a result of advanced science. Internet piracy is a result of advanced computer science. Extremely dangerous new viruses are results of failure experiments in advanced medical science. As technology evolves, dangers evolve.

What are the solutions? The problems are not about how advanced technology is. The actual problems are about how HUMANS use technology. The "solutions" are not specific, but rather determined on the purpose of using technology and the reliance on technology. If we can use technology for constructive purposes and minimize the reliance on technology, there will be no "problems".

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