Friday, September 12, 2014

Political Spectrum

I don't usually talk about politics. However, I just took Political Compass.
This is a political compass. The horizontal line is economic: from left (communism) to right (liberalism). The vertical line is social scale: from up (fascism) to down (anarchism). The test basically asked me a bunch of multiple choice questions. I had to answer whether "Strongly agree", "Agree", "Don't agree", or "Strongly against". You can do the test yourself.
There are 3 question that my teacher asked me to answer about the test:
1. Do you think the questions are fair and valid?
To some degree, yes. They cover many part in politics (drugs, trade, military, etc.).
2. Do you think that the test gave an accurate representation of the person or character that you entered data for?
Based on my result and how I evaluate myself, I think that the test is accurate.
3. How could this test help to make predictions over how a government or politician will approach a problem? 
Each question in this test gives a clue of how a politician approaches a problem. Just by reading question, one can easily predict what a politician would do if he is in mentioned-situations.

My result: Libertarian Left, a combination of anarchism and communism. I favor social freedom and a well-planned economy.

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