Monday, September 15, 2014


Piracy is the act of robbery and stealing.
Most people see pirates as sea robbers.
Pirate in the past
Pirate in presence
When the Internet is spreading out, there is a new type of pirates created. Internet piracy is the use of works protected by copyright without permission, harming the right of copyright holders.

So why is privacy important issues? How would you feel if one day all the private data in your laptop were published on the Internet? How would a musician feel if his work, which requires tons of hours working and creativity work, was given for free? It's like the situation in which someone sneaks in your house, steal your TV, and gives it away for free. Piracy, or stealing in general, is not good for whatever reasons.
What are the solutions?
1. Let the customers decide to whether pay or not. If the customers find the product worth to pay, they will pay anyway.
2. Reduce the price of the products.

As you see above, those solutions are not for direct prevention, instead discouragement to Internet privacy. Privacy cannot be stop directly, for pirates will find their way no matter how many barriers there are. The only way to stop Internet piracy is eliminating the motivation of piracy.


  1. Good job, Thien ! This information is very easy to understand !

  2. good enough :)) easy to understand !

  3. Very clearly (Btw what's wrong with the last image ?)

  4. Would allowing consumers determine the price really work? Would many choose $0? Would that matter?
