Thursday, October 2, 2014

Drug - An Issue or Not?

What is drug actually? Why are some people so obsessed with drug?
Not all drug is bad and harmful. According to ScienceMuseum, drug is any chemical taken that affects body functions. Following this concept, drug is not completely bad. Good drugs are called "medicine", things that one takes when he is sick, such as antibiotics.

However, medicine is not considered in this article. "Bad drugs" are the center now. "Bad drugs", as usually referred as illegal drugs, are controlled by government. These kinds of drugs is sometimes legal, depending on the situations and the governments, such as heroin, marijuana, PCP, LSD, etc. So, why are these drugs illegal? They damage human organs, and cause confusion, anxiety, nausea, headache, hostile behaviors without apparent reasons.
Harmful and deadly, right? Illegal drugs should not be legalized for any reason. They costs time and money. Drug users can attack and harm normal people, or they can steal to get money for drugs. Have you ever seen pale skinny people who use drugs?

Before and After Using Meth
Do you really want yourself or anybody in your family to become like them ....

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