Friday, May 22, 2015


Why am I even writing this? Why do I have to sign in and type these words until my finger muscles go fatigued when I just ditch this and go watch TV? What motivated me?

It's a long story (but not really). I am student of an international school. This blog is a portion of my social class and counted as a major grade that significantly determine whether I pass or fail. Now that is motivation!

I make myself look like a carefree student who come to class everyday just to sit in a corner and watch Youtube all day, right?

"That student" is "motivated" and probably struggling to get this blog out to save his grade. What is the nature of motivation anyway? "Motivation" is an external force or eternal force that causes people to behave in a certain way, such as getting a lazy student's butt on a chair and making him write a blog about motivation.

There are many theories about motivation, such as Maslow's Hierarchy Theory, Herzberg Theory, Alderfer's ERG Theory, etc. These theories are different, and each has its own flaws. However, in general, these theories state that motivation is generated from the desire of satisfaction and avoidance of punishment.
There are some exception to these theories. One of them is the ascetic's lifestyle of the monks. They keep the lower-order needs at minimum level and strive for higher-order needs.

There are issues around the world that can be analyzed based on the principles of motivation.

The first issue is ignorance. Understanding problems about the world is very important. However, having enough food is even more important. Take people in Africa for example: Because they are poor, they give their 100% effort to find food for survival, so there is no time left for "self-actualization". Who care about pollution if you have no food to eat? Who care about energy conservation if you have no water to drink? Solving for physical need, we solve the ignorance.

The second issue is war. People fight each other for reasons. No matter how beautiful people describe those reasons to be, those reasons are simple, food and power.  Rich nations start war for power and resources. Poor people stand up fight against the emperor for prosperity. If people have what they NEED, will war still happen? Yes, they fight for what they WANT. There is always motivation to start a war. Greed is unlimited.

The third issue is about motivation itself. When people have everything, they stay satisfied and don't work for better things. For example, money spoils children. Kids born in rich families have the tendency toward entertainment rather than education. They are easier to get spoiled than are poor kids. They are seduced and distracted by so many things. They lack motivation to become a better person. As a result, they end up in failure.The solution for this is self-motivation. Things around us always change, and we have no control. The only thing we can control is our mind. Mentally pushing ourselves forward is a great way to keep moving forward.

Motivation is both good and bad, depending on different situations. It is each person's jobs to suppress the bad motivation and enhance the good one. About the "Youtube" student, he probably needs to stay motivated. *Here comes the evil smile*

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