Monday, May 25, 2015

Global Risks Report

We are living in a world full of risks. 3 infographics below suggest risks in different areas that we need to worried about. Impact is the size of effect, or "How damaging will it be?". Likehood is the probability, or "By how much chance will it happen?".

According to this infographic, the spread of infectious diseases increased in 2015; an example would be Ebola. Water and food are lacking. Social instability happens less frequently. Impact of failure of urban planning significantly decreases.

According to this infographic, catastrophes and extreme weather events strike less severely but more often. Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse need to be treated more seriously. Failure of adaptation happens more often.

According to this infographic, critical information infrastructure breakdown and cyber attack have become more critical problems in the modern society. Also, data fraud or theft happens more likely.

These 3 areas, even though they seem to be separated, are closely connected. Environmental problem and social problem are twisted together in a cycle: One is both cause and result of the other. The chaos in societal will spread into the Internet: some people use technology as a negative way to solve their social needs. 

For the reason stated above, environmental and social problems should be solved first. They are all real problems and need to be addressed. They need to be solved!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post, there are some useful takeaways. I also found Six Sources of Power to be helpful.
