Sunday, October 5, 2014


Healthcare is different around the world.
  That's an overlook of healthcare around the world. Countries around the world clearly have issues with their healthcare system. What is the solution?
For the poor countries, there is no solution except receiving international aid until the governments' can take care of their own countries.
How about developed countries? What is the best healthcare system? I am torn by fairness (German System) and humaneness (Obama Care). It will be unfair if people who CAN WORK but DON'T WORK are paid equally with people who have to work hard. However, it will be inhumane if people who CAN'T afford insurance are IGNORED. I think the best solution is in the middle: a combination of fairness and humaneness. People who can work but don't have a job should be given a certain amount of years (about 10 years after age of 18). After that, they have to pay for themselves if they are still unemployed. They are given a chance, and it's up to them how to use it. It is both fair and humane, right? However, there is no experiment if this system works or not, may be in future there will be, may be ... :)

1 comment:

  1. I like your visual representation. A deep insight into each model of health care system. You discussed about poor people who cannot pay for their medication and are ignored by the system. The solution that you provided can work, but people would certainly find a way to abuse it. Good job!
