Do you know that the world's 300 Richest have more than 300,000,000 Poorest?
Do you know that the bottom 80% of population own 6% of global wealth?
How much money do you earn a year? $1,000,000? $100,000? $10,000? $1,000? Or none at all?
Having been around since ancient time, income inequality is becoming a global issue. Some people tend to earn more money than others. Why, since "all men are equal" is stated clearly in The US Independent Declaration?
One ancient example of income inequality is the system of empire: The emperor live based the work of his people. This kind of employer-employee model has been spread out over time.
The European colonialism since 15th century is another form of employer-employee model. During The Scramble for Africa (1876 - 1914), Europeans used African workers as cheap labors and maximized the use of natural depletion. As a result, empires became stronger overtime, and restrained the development of African countries. The colonialism, although it ends, still leaves a long-term effect on Africa - African countries are still behind European countries nowadays.
Personally, I do not think that there is an specific cause for income equality. Life is not fair, and it will never be. There are some people who are more fortunate than others. Since there is no actual cause, no long-term solution works. With that being said, people, however, can do something.
1. Tax: Rich people get taxed more than poor people do.
2. Donation: If one wishes, he can donate for charity (
UNICEF, etc.)
Those 2 solutions cannot completely solve the puzzle of income inequality, but at least alleviate the situation.