Thursday, January 15, 2015


What define people? Their actions or their skin colors?

Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another race. Where does this belief come from?
Xenophobia is one natural factor. People are afraid of who are different from them (different skin or hair color for example).
Another factor is the history of colonization. For instance, Africans used to be colonized by Europeans. Although black people have gained their freedom, the "idea" of colonizing is still around in modern world as an excuse for white people to classify themselves as "superior species".
The racial "stereotypes" have horrible effects.
"Racism can have a lot of effects on a victim. Victims can become angry, bitter or violent. It can destroy a person’s self esteem. It can destroy communities and creates divisions within society."

If you are a victim of racism
What you SHOULD do:
1. You can report that to someone who has authority because racism is not legal in modern world.
2. You can stay calm and relaxed.
3. You can ignore them because the more angry you are, the more happy racist will be.
What you SHOULD NOT do:
1. Get angry and pay back.
2. Get depressed.

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