Thursday, December 18, 2014


"You drove on the wrong lane," says the man in pale yellow uniform, "Show me your license!"
"Oh," the smiling short man hands his license, "Here, officer."
The officer takes and looks at the license, then put some green paper under the license into his pocket. "Ok", the officer gives the man back his license, "I'll let you go this time."

The short story above may be true, may be not. However, corruption is an obvious issue around the world. Although there are many types of corruptions (petty, grand, systemic), defined based on situations, corruption, in general, is the use of money to illegally obtain something, whether in large scale or small scale.

1. What are the causes?
I don't know. Why are we people so greedy? It's in our nature! There is always something wrong with people! Prosperity is never enough. People want MORE money and power, and some of them don't mind getting their hands dirty. Those people are supported the immoral governments around the world. Despite the fact that corruption occurs everywhere, corruption seems to have higher rate in developing countries, such as Somalia, North Korea, and Afghanistan. As a consequence, poverty becomes both cause and result of corruption, and the vicious cycle begins, pulling the country down.

2. What are the effects?
Effects of corruption are both economically and socially detrimental. (Source: Transparency Ethiopia)
a. Economic effect: Corruption will lead to depletion to national wealth by conversing public wealth into personal wealth. It will also raise the costs of goods.
b. Social effect: Due to dishonesty, corruption "discourages people to work together for the common good." It also leads to inequality, increases gap between rich and poor.

3. What are the solutions?
- Change the government system: reduce monopoly and increase competition. The more centralized power is, the more likely corruption will happen.
- Report corruption: A hotline for reporting corruption should be held. Citizen should not be afraid to speak for themselves. However, reporting only works in a democratic government.

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