Tuesday, October 14, 2014

International Trade

Nobody is perfect. Everyone needs help and relies on others.
Let's zoom out. What if a country is considered as a person? Does the rule of dependence still apply? Yes. Countries still need help from each other. A form of aid between countries is international trade - the exchange of goods and services between countries. "This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events." (Investopedia)  International trade seems to be an ideal way for the whole world to develop.

However, there are certain limits of international trade. According to Preservearticles, there are 12 problems:
1. Distance
2. Different languages
3. Difficult in transportation and communication
4. Risk in transit
5. Lack of information about foreign businessmen
6. Import and export restriction
7. Documentation
8. Study of foreign markets
9. Frequent market changes
10.  Investment for long period
12. Intense competition
Those are just limits. But what makes international trade an issue? CHILD LABOR. World Trade Organization (WTO) does not prohibit child labor to produce good. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. However, according to  Global Exchange, WTO has some disadvantages, such as:
1. The WTO is basically undemocratic.
2. WTO will not make us safer due to free trade.
3. WTO will tramples labor and human rights.
4. WTO also brings disadvantages to undeveloped countries, since every countries are equal.

So, how can we make it better?  To be honest, there is no perfect solution. If WTO is eliminated, countries closed their trading, world economy collapse. If WTO continues to exist, free trade will give countries with oil a lot of advantages. There is always a cost to something. There is NO ABSOLUTE solution...

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Healthcare is different around the world.
  That's an overlook of healthcare around the world. Countries around the world clearly have issues with their healthcare system. What is the solution?
For the poor countries, there is no solution except receiving international aid until the governments' can take care of their own countries.
How about developed countries? What is the best healthcare system? I am torn by fairness (German System) and humaneness (Obama Care). It will be unfair if people who CAN WORK but DON'T WORK are paid equally with people who have to work hard. However, it will be inhumane if people who CAN'T afford insurance are IGNORED. I think the best solution is in the middle: a combination of fairness and humaneness. People who can work but don't have a job should be given a certain amount of years (about 10 years after age of 18). After that, they have to pay for themselves if they are still unemployed. They are given a chance, and it's up to them how to use it. It is both fair and humane, right? However, there is no experiment if this system works or not, may be in future there will be, may be ... :)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Drug - An Issue or Not?

What is drug actually? Why are some people so obsessed with drug?
Not all drug is bad and harmful. According to ScienceMuseum, drug is any chemical taken that affects body functions. Following this concept, drug is not completely bad. Good drugs are called "medicine", things that one takes when he is sick, such as antibiotics.

However, medicine is not considered in this article. "Bad drugs" are the center now. "Bad drugs", as usually referred as illegal drugs, are controlled by government. These kinds of drugs is sometimes legal, depending on the situations and the governments, such as heroin, marijuana, PCP, LSD, etc. So, why are these drugs illegal? They damage human organs, and cause confusion, anxiety, nausea, headache, hostile behaviors without apparent reasons.
Harmful and deadly, right? Illegal drugs should not be legalized for any reason. They costs time and money. Drug users can attack and harm normal people, or they can steal to get money for drugs. Have you ever seen pale skinny people who use drugs?

Before and After Using Meth
Do you really want yourself or anybody in your family to become like them ....