Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Gender Equality

"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!"
- Maya Angelou
Gender equality, in the context of modern day, has never been stressed enough. Gender equality states that women and men have equal value and should be treated equally. "Equally", neither more or less.

Gender inequality has been a serious problem around the world, especially in Eastern countries. According to Gender Index Organization,
1. In 2007, 34% of Vietnamese women report experiencing at least one type of domestic violence in their lifetime.
2. Vietnam male/female sex ratio at birth in 2013 is 1.12. There are some abortion due to boy bias.
It is a long-existing tradition in Eastern countries that boy is better than girl. This "tradition" brings a lot of inequality to women. "Not publicly," they are usually treated as lower class, receive lower salary and less rights.

At a broad view, gender inequality affects the whole society.
1. In economy: gender inequality limits the amount of money women can get. 
2. In education: literacy rate is lower for women, which is not fair.
3. In politics: there are less women politicians, making politics somehow biased.
4. In society: women sometimes receive a lot of sexual harassment and stereotypes.

Women's potential not fully used, we can never improve society with limited perspective.
Is there any solution for gender inequality beside laws and media? Can women just stand up and say "We are equal!"? That's what feminist are doing. Is it affective? To some degree. However, there are corners that neither laws nor feminists can reach, the dark corner in every little family. There is currently no absolute solution except laws and promotion for inequality...

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