Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Energy and Environment

Twenty-first century is the era of energy wars. People are fighting for energy supplies. Oil and natural gas are top concerns, origins of many human conflicts. However, energy create not only conflicts, but also environmental problems. We are fighting to get things that give us instant wealth and gradual death. 

Oil and natural gas are classified as nonrenewable energy resources. These are widely exploited and used because they are CHEAP and ACCESSIBLE. However, the name explains itself: nonrenewable energy resources cannot be replaced, therefore have limited amounts. For example, remaining oil can be used in 50 years, and natural gas can last only for 75 years. Someday, when nonrenewable energy resources are deplete, we may die in the darkness. Moreover, the use of nonrenewable energy releases harmful atmospheric pollutants (greenhouse gas) and dangerous chemicals (nuclear power byproducts) to environment. Nonrenewable energy resources are both life-saving and life-stealing. 

So, is there a better alternative? 

Renewable energy resources are resources that can replenish quickly and be able to used again. Some common ones are sunlight, wind, and hydroelectic power. Sun gives us energy as light. Eventually, sun will burn out, but it will take about 6 billion years (UniverseToday), a very long time. Wind is used as a source of kinetic energy to turn the turbines, produce electricity. Hydroelectic power dam uses the same princible. Thesefriendly resources seem to be the permenant for both energy wars and environmentals problems. However, these resources have one disadvantage. Although most of them are free, building infrastructure to use them COST A LOT. Buying a solar panel system is quite expensive to some people. Although they will save money in the future, not many people can afford such a huge amount of money at one time. Building wind turbines and hydroeletic dam is expensive. Therefore, these resources are not widely in use.

If we cannot afford the infrastucture for renewable energy, how can we save nonrenewable energy until we find a better solution? Here are some simple tips:
- Unplug seldom-used appliances.
- Turn off computer instead of sleep if possible.
- Turn off light when going out.
- Use compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs. 

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