Saturday, November 1, 2014

Human Trafficking

What is the difference between a person and a box? What is the quality that distinguishes humans from things? CONSCIOUSNESS. Humans have the ability to think and feel. A "thing" that has intelligence and emotion should be appreciated, not sold around like piece of good. In the American Declaration of Independence and Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 3 basic human rights are clearly stated: Liberty, Equality, and Pursuit of Happiness. However, there are devils around the worlds, in the form of humans, reaching their dirty sordid claws to innocent people. Those dirty hands are called HUMAN TRAFFICKING. People, just like you whoever is reading this, are being sold all over the world, like goods.

United Nations provides a closer look at human trafficking:
How is current worldwide situation? According to Combat Human Trafficking...
In 2012, in East Asia, about 1200 cases of Human Trafficking were RECORDED (even more cases were NOT recorded or remained unknown). How ignorant I was! When I was doing ordinary things of an ordinary life, many innocent people around the world was captured, beaten, and treated as sex slaves.
So why are these problems still around even when there are security forces?
Reason #1: Human trafficking is super lucrative.
Reason #2: Criminals are getting stealthier and adapting constantly to the regulation of laws and security.
Reason #3: Human trafficking is international, using the difference in laws as an advantage.
What are the solutions?
Solution #1: Donate to non-profit organizations to free slaves. This solution only works temporarily, and cannot put an end to human trafficking.
Solution #2: Use forces to oppress human trafficking. As mentioned above, criminals always becomes more clever and eventually find a way to hide from laws. Therefore, this solution is not an absolute one.
Solution #3: Educate people. Yes, smart people are harder to be tricked. However, knowledge only is not enough to fight against human trafficking. One still can be kidnapped no matter how smart she is since there is always someone smarter.
What are other solutions? What do I offer solutions to prove they don't work efficiently? I want to stress the point that human trafficking is based on human nature. The ugly truth: Humans are motivated by sex and money. Human trafficking offers both. If human nature doesn't change (which I personally believe is cannot change), human trafficking will still exist, known and unknown. It's all about HUMAN. Period.

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